Tuesday, October 14, 2008

North vs. South

So, with me being from the North and Kev being from the South, we constantly have conversations about different words used in different areas of the US. Here are some....

toboggan...a sled in the north (an din the dictionary I might add), and a winter hat in the south

while waiting to check out at a store, in the north you are on line and in the south you are in line (in line makes much more sense unless if there is a line painted on the ground)

**** side note with this one, we were talking at a football tailgate about this. On and In are used wrong constantly. You always say I am getting on a plane, no you are getting IN a plane, (well, you can ride on top, but I would prefer to be inside). Also, another side note, non stop flight....well, hopefully it stops at the airport you are landing at!

In the north, you use a shopping cart, in the south you use a buggy.

In the north, you have extension cords, in the south they are drop cords.

In the north, you push a button, in the south, you mash a button.

In the north when you are mad, you are mad, in the south you are ill.

In the north, you take a pictures with a camera, in the south you make a picture with a camera.

Ofcourse, the most well known....you guys vs. y'all.

That is all that I can think of right now, feel free to add anything if you can think of them. When I went to NC from up here for college, a lot of these were foreign and confusing to me. Also, my hubby wasn't understanding some of what I was saying. Now he loves some of them...he loves hearing "wicked". Enjoy!


So, I found a list of random questions that you could ask people for conversation starters...when I say random, I mean random. So, I thought that I would pull a few and answer them.

1. What side of the bed do you sleep on?
Laying on the bed, it is the left side, but if you are looking at the bed, it would be the right side. If we are staying somewhere else, it doesn't have to be the same side. I just usually pick the furthest away from the vent because I am always cold.

2. What is your morning routine?
I usually get woken up by our sweet Calla girl licking me in the face. I then take out my mouth guard (a new aquisition after my dentist told me I have wear patterns on my teeth from clinching/grinding them), go to the bathroom, brush my teeth, take Calla out for her morning walk, make lunch, get on the internet, and then shower and get ready for work. I leave the house at 10:15 to get to work by 10:45 and ready to see my first patient at 11.

3. How do you eat an apple?
Okay, well, I usually bite into the middle, and then all the way around the middle, then work on the upper part and then lower part until the core.

4. what is your worst habbit?
I would have to say leaving shoes around the house.

5. If you oculd have 1 job in the world, what would it be?
I LOVE my job as a physical therapist, but I love to travel, so maybe traveling around the world doing PT.

6. what was your favorite childrens book?
I don't know what my favorite was, but I remember babar (elephant), bernstein bears, amelia bedilia (sp?), and there was one with a guy on the front that had a huge stack of hats on his head but I can't recall the name, charlottes web, polar express, and well, I guess thats it.

7. What is the name of your first childhood friend you remember?
Hmmm, I remember Christian in kindergarten, but I remember girls I danced with earlier than that...Cobey, Stephanie, and Samantha.

8. What do you have the most of in your house?
I would have to say (besides the basics like walls and doors), pictures. Most are stored in boxes or on cd's, but that has to be the most.

9. What was your first collection as a child?
I am not quite sure, but I loved my little ponies, and cabbage patch kids. I remember my sister and I having tons of my little ponies, and I remember my brother collecting he-man things.

10. Have you ever shard a room with someone?
Growing up we were lucky enough to always have our own rooms (I don't think it would have been a pretty sight if we had to share). However, my freshman and sophomore years in college I shard a dorm room with the best roomie ever, Kelly. Of course, now I share with my hubby and sometimes my sweet girl, Calla. :-)

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Dining room furniture

So, I found this dining set on clearance at a local furniture store. I thought that I liked it, and that it would be good for us, so I emailed it to my mom. She thought it was very nice. So, I decided to email it to my non-decisive hubby. He glanced at it for a total of, lets say 1 minute, and that may be pushing it. This is after I had been analyzing it for about 30-45 minutes. Now, I didn't expect him to do that, but only 1 minute?!?! As I try to talk to him about what I like, if we should get it and all, I get the usual answers....."its too expensive" and "whatever you think/want". Now most girls would like this second answer. Hmmm, lets looks at diamonds, clothes, shoes. Well, I don't get that answer with those things. So, my Mom, Nana, and I decided to go and check out the set. They both thought it was "wonderful" and "darling", and the lady there was really nice. I decided, yes, with no help from the hubby, that we would do it. I had a 20% off coupon for 1 item, and it was on clearance, so I thought, this is a great deal, and I probably won't find something else at this price. My mom actually was so generous. She decided that this would be our house warming, Christmas, and birthday presents. She originally was going to buy us a living room set, but we are borrowing her set right now in the living room and we don't need more couches right now. The dining set seemed to make more sense. So, THANKS MOM!!! Now, we will have places to sit people when they come for Thanksgiving dinner!!! I decided to add a picture below so you all can see what we got!!! We got everything in the picture except for all our chairs are the same (no arm rests).

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Slowly getting settled

Today started off as a not so pleasant day. Lets just say I work with a group of pissants. we had 1 coworker call out sick with a stomach bug, and then another called out because she was in the ER after falling down some stairs and landing on her face (the last we heard she was getting facial x-rays and she had lost 3 teeth). So, I arrive at work at 11.....after hitting traffic and worrying that my first patient would beat me to the office (I arrived first), just to hear people griping and moaning. Now, come on...these people are legitimately sick and unable to work, cut them some slack. So, the day is more busy than usual, and patients for some reason didn't know how to show up on time today, no lunch break etc.....I was ready to go home. THe was the best part of my day....i got home and we finally had internet and cable service! YES!!!!! I check my email very regularly, but I was only able to do so at the office (if any of you know what my job is like, there is very little time to sit down, let alone be on the internet), until now. I am so happy to have my inernet back, and Kevin is so happy to have his ESPN back. :-)
As far as the new house. Everything is going well in here. We are slowly getting settled in. We were very fortunate to have the Bradley's come and help with the heavy lifting (thanks, Ronnie, and Ronnie), along with my bro, my best friends dad, and my best friend bro to do the lifting, and then my mom, Pat, Carmen, M, and our 2 nephews here to help in unpacking. We really could not have done it without everyone here, so THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU. Now, come back and help unpack more! Just kidding. The unpacking is a slow process, but it is coming along. I promised them that we would have it done by Thanksgiving. (Keep your fingers crossed). We also contacted the pool company to come out, and close the pool for the season. It is just getting too cold to get in the water. We have the gas heater for it, but I am deathly scared of the gas bill trying to heat a pool of that size. Not worth it in my book. Calla is getting settled in. She seems a little unsure of it still, but she has met some new neighborhood friends and misses her old ones. Hopefully I will have more updates later, with more progress. Oh, and we will be sending out cards with our new address and phone number soon! Ta Ta!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

OBX trip

We had our annual OBX trip again. I tell you what. I just love the outerbanks. It is not like myrtle beach, or VA beach, or Ocean City where you go on vacation and it is go go go go go. We go for a vacation...to relax, spend time with friends and enjoy ourselves....and that is exactly what we did. It was another successful year even though Hanna came through and kicked us out 1 day early. The weather was beautiful (until the last day), the house was cozy, and the company was wonderful.We stayed at a different house this year, named Yellowfin, in the Whalehead section of Corolla. This one was larger, but further from the ocean. We also did a 4 wheel drive beach jeep tour and got to see the wild horses. In all the years I have been going there, I never experienced that before. It was amazing. We only saw 1 group of horses, but it was a group of probably around 5-6 horses with one being a young horse. We also went to the lighthouse to do a wine tasting tour. It was hot, but nice because the sun was starting to set on the sound, which was really pretty. We took daily trips down to the ocean, and to tim-buck-two shopping center. Of course we will do this trip again next year. It has become an annual vacation that I don't want to ever give up. The week we went was the best. Definitely a week i recommend to all. We went the week of labor day, so the kids are back in school, the prices drop by at least $1000 for the week, it is less crowded, and we only have to take 4 days of vacation for work (that is a plus for someone like me, who doesn't get a ton of vacation). Below is a pic of the group of us this year (minus the 3 kids...they were in bed!). Thanks all for another great year!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Oh my goodness

Oh my goodness, oh my goodness, oh my goodness. So, I did it...I chopped off (well my hairstylist) all my hair to donate it to a company that makes wigs for children with hairloss. In the end, I had about 12 inches taken away. All I can say is, oh my goodness MY HAIR IS SHORT. I can't even put it up in a ponytail. I definately don't like it. I haven't ever had my hair short, so I am NOT used to it. I wish I could just take the hair, make a wig of it for myself and use it. Kevin doesn't think it looks bad. His first reaction was "wow thats short". I told him to be honest....and he said he was when he said he liked it. It is just going to take A LOT of getting used to. Whenever I look in the mirror, I just keep telling myself, you did a good deed, hair grows back, you did a good dead, hair grows back....please grow back fast. Another inch or 2 will be good enough for now. Here is a picture so you can see for yourself......also note that some of the darkness that looks like hair is actually a shadow on the wall...it isn't even to my chin. AAAHHHHH!!!!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

We did it!!!!

Well, I am sure all of you know this already, but the 3rd time WAS a charm.....Kevin and I got our house. We are very excited about it. We actually don't have the keys yet, but we close on the 27th. We aren' t planning on moving in until the 2nd weekend in September, as long as everything goes well before closing.
So, what is the house like....let me tell you. It is in a culdesac (love it) and sits on .25 acres (not as big as we would like, but sufficient for us). IT is a blue-ish color, 3 levels, with a 2 car garage. The mian level of living has the basic half bath, laundry room, living room, dining room, family room and kitchen with a deck off the kitchen. The upstairs has 4 bedrooms and 2 full baths, and the basement has a rec room, unfurnished area, and bathroom with a changing area. Plus, the owners have left us their pool table! Yea!!! The house was built in 82 or 83 (I can't remember), but everything has been updated in the last few years. I mean everything...new roof, new siding, new windows, hardwood floors on the main level, granite in the kitchen, new cabinets, stainless steel appliances. Like I said, everything!!!
We are super excited about it. I will keep everyone updated on it, and lets hope everything goes through up until closing. :-) Speaking of closing, we have limited time, so I better get off here and pack. :-) :-)