Tuesday, October 14, 2008


So, I found a list of random questions that you could ask people for conversation starters...when I say random, I mean random. So, I thought that I would pull a few and answer them.

1. What side of the bed do you sleep on?
Laying on the bed, it is the left side, but if you are looking at the bed, it would be the right side. If we are staying somewhere else, it doesn't have to be the same side. I just usually pick the furthest away from the vent because I am always cold.

2. What is your morning routine?
I usually get woken up by our sweet Calla girl licking me in the face. I then take out my mouth guard (a new aquisition after my dentist told me I have wear patterns on my teeth from clinching/grinding them), go to the bathroom, brush my teeth, take Calla out for her morning walk, make lunch, get on the internet, and then shower and get ready for work. I leave the house at 10:15 to get to work by 10:45 and ready to see my first patient at 11.

3. How do you eat an apple?
Okay, well, I usually bite into the middle, and then all the way around the middle, then work on the upper part and then lower part until the core.

4. what is your worst habbit?
I would have to say leaving shoes around the house.

5. If you oculd have 1 job in the world, what would it be?
I LOVE my job as a physical therapist, but I love to travel, so maybe traveling around the world doing PT.

6. what was your favorite childrens book?
I don't know what my favorite was, but I remember babar (elephant), bernstein bears, amelia bedilia (sp?), and there was one with a guy on the front that had a huge stack of hats on his head but I can't recall the name, charlottes web, polar express, and well, I guess thats it.

7. What is the name of your first childhood friend you remember?
Hmmm, I remember Christian in kindergarten, but I remember girls I danced with earlier than that...Cobey, Stephanie, and Samantha.

8. What do you have the most of in your house?
I would have to say (besides the basics like walls and doors), pictures. Most are stored in boxes or on cd's, but that has to be the most.

9. What was your first collection as a child?
I am not quite sure, but I loved my little ponies, and cabbage patch kids. I remember my sister and I having tons of my little ponies, and I remember my brother collecting he-man things.

10. Have you ever shard a room with someone?
Growing up we were lucky enough to always have our own rooms (I don't think it would have been a pretty sight if we had to share). However, my freshman and sophomore years in college I shard a dorm room with the best roomie ever, Kelly. Of course, now I share with my hubby and sometimes my sweet girl, Calla. :-)

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