Wednesday, April 23, 2008

a few pics....

I decided to upload a few pics of trips/activities in the past month or so. I went on an easter egg hunt with my best friends daughter, went to see the cherry blossums in DC, went to visit my dad in Florida (played golf, went fishing and relaxed) and I added some of China as well. Enjoy!!!(Sorry about having to turn your head to the side....I don't have enough time to upload and change the orientation, so I just took them right from the memory get the idea anyway.)


Well, as usual, thing have been pretty busy around here, where I haven't been on this in a while. But, I'm back! One of the things we have been busy with is dealing with Kevin's brother Chris. Chris came to visit us, had a great time, and got to do a lot of things. He went to 2 NCAA final games, went to Mount Vernon, went out to eat, went shopping and so on. Well, Kevin and I paid for his round trip bus ticket and didn't make him pay us back. We straightened out his finances, set up payment schedules for him to pay off all his bills in 5 months time. After he got home we found out he burned us. He was back to his lying, got fired from his job etc. Kevin and I talked, and talked to Kev's mom and we were all in agreement that he was to pay us back for his bus ticket. So, Kevin called his 1 on 1 and she got him to send us a check. All of a sudden after that we weren't getting our daily phone calls from Chris. He was pretty pissed at us, but he knows that he won't get away with crap like that. On a side note, he called (and is back to calling daily) and apologized and said he was glad we made him send us the money.
Another thing is trying to plan out trips/vacations. Now, as most people can decide rather last minute to do a trip, that is not an option for me. My patient schedule is booked a month in advance and I only get 2 weeks paid vacation a year. With all the people we try to go and see, or rather we want to try to go and see that just doesnt seem to be enough time (especially when Kevin gets 5 weeks/year). Not to mention that I work every other Saturday morning for an hour in a half which cuts down my weekends of going away. This weekend we managed to get away...we are going camping! Yes!!!!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Things you may not have known.....

So, those that read this I am sure know a lot about me, but I am guessing some of this stuff is unknown. So here are some "different" facts about me....

1. I am growing my hair out to donate it to make wigs for chidren who unfortuantely have lost theirs due to sicknesses. I thought about doing this back in November when I saw a story of how a little girl just wanted hair for her Christmas picture with her family. It really touched me, so I did some research about different companies that participate. It doesn't cost me a thing, and I am hoping to make a child happy one day.

2. I struggle with endometriosis and don't wish it on my worst enemy. I am the lucky one that gets to throw up, can't sit up straight (because of pressure on my ovaries), and have cramps about 20 out of the 30 days of the month. Yes, not fun. I have already had 1 surgery for it, and may need another in the future.

3. I am too picky. I am a picky eater, picky about the houses we are looking at, picky about clothes, and I don't seem to move away from my comfort zone.

4. I love to read. Kevin and I tend to borrow books (4 or 5 at a time) from the library at least 3 times/month. I hate to buy books unless if I love them so much that I could read them over and over again.

5. I cry during sad movies, tv shows, and books. I get so into stories or story lines even when I know they aren't true stories. I can't help it, but my husband tends to laugh when I do this.

6. I hate to buy things unless if they are on sale. Even if it is only 2% off, I still think that I am getting a deal. I just hate paying full price knowing that soon it will go on sale.

7. I excel at starting a project and then never getting to finish it. This is not exactly a good quality and definately another pet peeve of my husbands. I get so side tracked or bored with a project, that it just ends up sitting aroun the house and driving my husband nuts.

8. I miss the days of softball terribly. I started playing when I was 8 in a house league, and started playing travel ball when I was 12. For 10 years I got to travel around the world competing at a sport that I loved. I met some of my closest (and my best) friends through the sport. It helped pay for my college tuition, and got me interested in what is now my career. If it weren't for softball, I may not have met my husband, and it taught me a lot of dicipline, leadership and time management skills. I hope that one day future children will get to experience the same.

9. One of my goals in life is to participate in a marathon. Now, knowing what I know in the field of work I am in, I can't see how this would possibly be good for my body. On the other hand, I was to run it to finish, not for any spectacular finish time. It is something that I don't see possible for me, and to accomplish something that is rather challenging seems amazing to me. Right now, the 2-2.5 miles I run each day seems like enough....24 more than that seems insane.

10. I am 20 months into my marriage to a wonderful husband, and I still at times accidently use my maiden name. For example, most people don't ask your initials, and the other day at the store I was asked, and automatically I said ""MMF", and then had to change it to "MMB". I always sign the right name, but I get tripped up at times when asked. You think 20 months of this, and introducing myself how many times each day to new patients and signing how many charts, that I would get it right. I guess if you look at it in time, I used MMF for 26 years, so still messing up at times after 20 months isn't bad.

Okay, so you may have known a bit of these, but I thought that I would mention them anyway. I hope at least a couple of them are newly acquired bits of information.