Saturday, May 24, 2008

Already missed!

As you know, we just had the Bradley clan here for a week visit. We had so much fun while they were here and I hate to see them gone. We are a bunch of sad puppies without them around. I am not sure Calla will know what to do tomorrow morning when Jakey isn't around to feed her his breakfast.
The last time we saw them was in November...before Jakey was even walking and before Caleb was using the potty. Time sure does change them, and I wish we could see them more often. I just have to brag about how incredibly sweet Caleb is at 4 years old. He uses please and thank you, and after we do anything he says things like "Aunt MoMo, I had so much fun, thanks for taking me to the airplanes". Also, when I walk in the door from work and he runs up to me and gives me a hug. He enjoys being around me now and i hope he doesn't "outgrow" this stage in life....or at least not for awhile. Also, he is so well behaved and smart. I even got to teach him how to write his name. Little jakey could just melt your heart by showing you his little grin and his adorable laugh is contagious. I love this stage he is in because he gets into everything. It may not be so "cute" to his parents, but he is just such an inquisitive boy. I also think he will be the sports star...he loves playing with any ball and he definitely likes to throw things. :-)
It was also nice to visit with Ronnie and Carmen. We got to reminisce and laugh about things that have happened in the past, watch movies, catch up on things happening in the past 6 months, and discuss future plans. Of course this was mostly all done during naps or after bedtime for Caleb and Jakey. As they know, they are more than welcome to come up any time. They can also drop the kids off for a weekend and get away by themselves if they want. The best option would be for them to move up here and live close, but I think we all know the chances of that are slim. Thanks for a great trip up here guys. We already miss you!!!


Unknown said...

From what I hear Caleb is CRAZY... about Aunt Mo Mo and couldn't wait until you got home each day from work to have you with him. :O) I love the way they are at that stage too. I especially love Jacob getting into everything. He is soooo much like his Uncle Kevin. Oh how I remember those days. hehe. I know you would love having them closer. I would love having both you and Kevin, Ronnie, Carmen and the boys all closer to me. Who knows, if you get big enough house we could add on apts. and live all close togehter. Wouldn't that be great. LOL. I would love living nearer both your families. Maybe one day we can make that happen. If you could stand having me close by. William sure loves his big brothers, sisters-in-law and nephews. He misses all of you so much, you just don't know how he misses everyone. I am glad you all had fun and got to be together. Love you Pat

C. Leah said...

That was so sweet Mo! We had such a great time and we miss you guys bunches too! Poor Caleb keeps asking to go back to your house again and see the airplanes. :) Jakey even called Sasha, "Calla" when we got home. ;)
Thanks so much again, for everything!!