Sunday, May 11, 2008


So, I have been cleaning my house for the past 2 days for a few reasons. First of all, I had a baby shower here yesterday (success!!!), secondly, it needed to be done, and third of all, we have RCCJ coming next weekend (yea!!!!). I just happened to find lists everywhere that i had written. To do lists, grocery lists, lists of houses, lists of CEU's to take, wish lists and so on. Now, I know I like to write things down, and it feels good to cross things off lists, but I didn't realize I made EVERYTHING into a list. So, I decided to talk about vacations in this blog:

Vacations to go on (now this is the condensed version because it could be forever long)
1. Paris
2. South African safari
3. Italy
4. Ireland
5. Costa Rica
6. Peru
7. Disney World ( I have been here a million times, but it never gets old for me)
8. Alaska
9. Australia
10. Greece

I am hoping to take at least one of these a year. These are in no particular order....just at some point in my life I would like to see them. Kevin and I both love to travel and many of these can be done in a weeks time. Some of them like Australia and South Africa would need to be longer, so it may be awhile before I get to take those. (I only get 2 weeks paid vacation/year and my boss doesn't allow you to take unpaid). I always feel like I need a vacation from my vacation though. You have been rushing around seeing everything, and don't really have much time to relax. Plus, when you get home you have unpack, do laundry, get used to the time zone again (not fun after China/Japan) and get back to work.
Kevin and I have decided to take turns planning our anniversaries each year, so as number 2 is approaching, it is now my turn. Do I take a short trip to one of these places? I was going to go to the greenbriar in West Virginia. Now, if you have no idea what place I am talking about, I will give you a rundown on it. It is a huge resort with golf, tennis, a spa etc. We used to go every year as a family and (there is a hospital in the basement) my dad would get his physical for work there. As a child there, I had to take an etiquette class to eat in the dining area, and everyone had to be dressed up after 5 in certain areas. So, I checked out the prices, and it was ridiculous....$500/night. Now, I love my hubby, but I don't need to sleep in some different bed for $500! So, the search for an anniversary idea is still on! Who knows, maybe we can check one of the above places off our list after Aug.5th!


Unknown said...

I know what you mean about making lists and crossing off the things. my old age I forget the list or lose it. :( Then I get mad about that. I hope you can plan your vacation and anniv. trip. I am sure you and Kevin will have fun where ever you go. I hope to talk to you soon. Love Pat

C. Leah said...

Yeah, I have had to MAKE myself make a list...I used to not. But I have to admit, it feels great marking stuff off and feeling like I actually got something done. :)

Good luck planning your Anniversary! That's a great idea about taking turns! :)