Thursday, July 17, 2008


Okay, so I said I would post more about the bradley's trip up here over the weekend and that NEVER happened. Partly because we had no time to. Friday night Kevin and I went to a going away get together for a friend from grad school that moved to New Jersey on Sunday. Saturday morning we got up and went blueberry picking (thanks Kev.....he did it all for me since he doesn't eat blueberries and I LOVE them), then we came home and Kev went to work, while I went to a party at my grandmothers place for the afternoon. The party was the usual party with lots of food and entertainment. My cousin, Katie, and I spent time in the moon bounce, but my Nana wouldn't go in! :-) I got home from the party, and changed because we had tickets to see the Lion King on Broadway at the Kennedy Center (an early anniversary gift from my Mom...thanks Mom!). If anyone out there has a chance to see it, I highly recommend it. I saw it 10 years ago with my family in London and loved it, and I loved it even more this time around. Okay, here were are at Sunday. Sunday morning we had to ourselves (thank goodness), but at 12:45 we left to go to National's Park with our friends/neighbors to watch the Nationals play the Astros. The Nationals lost, but it still was a lot of fun going. The ballpark is new this year, and it is amazing! We got home from that game, got in the shower and then my mom came over and we went to see Mama Mia on Broadway at the National Theatre. Also, is a lot of fun. From what I see with the movie coming out it is a lot like the play, so definitely see the movie, or the play! So, as you can see, there wasn't much time to blog, or even wipe our asses this past weekend. So, hopefully this weekend I can catch up and write more about their trip up here. Oh, on a side note, it rained all night on Sunday, and we have a leak in our roof right into our living room. There is about a 2 foot by 1 foot hole in our ceiling right now because of it. It is supposed to rain on Saturday, lets hope something is done by then! Ta-Ta for now!!!


C. Leah said...

Holy cow!! You DID have a busy weekend, (that's an understatement even!) ;)

On the other hand, you guys did lots of fun things!

Unknown said...

I didn't expect you to write anytime this week just from hearing half of all the things you guys were dealing with, mainly the roof/ceiling deal. I hope you get that fixed soon because it is hard living with half a house. I hope to see the movie but it won't happen until it comes out on video. Lol. I haven't had time for a movie in so many years I can't remember. I did see one movie with William and Leah a yr ago. Before that, it was sometimes when Ronnie and Kevin were much, much younger. Maybe William's age. That is sad, I don't mind though, I dont like going to movies much. Heck, I don't even get time to watch videos. Have a quiet weekend. I am trying, since I don't have a wedding or final term papers due this weekend. YEAH, I have about a week break then back to the grind. Love you Pat