Monday, August 25, 2008

Oh my goodness

Oh my goodness, oh my goodness, oh my goodness. So, I did it...I chopped off (well my hairstylist) all my hair to donate it to a company that makes wigs for children with hairloss. In the end, I had about 12 inches taken away. All I can say is, oh my goodness MY HAIR IS SHORT. I can't even put it up in a ponytail. I definately don't like it. I haven't ever had my hair short, so I am NOT used to it. I wish I could just take the hair, make a wig of it for myself and use it. Kevin doesn't think it looks bad. His first reaction was "wow thats short". I told him to be honest....and he said he was when he said he liked it. It is just going to take A LOT of getting used to. Whenever I look in the mirror, I just keep telling myself, you did a good deed, hair grows back, you did a good dead, hair grows back....please grow back fast. Another inch or 2 will be good enough for now. Here is a picture so you can see for yourself......also note that some of the darkness that looks like hair is actually a shadow on the isn't even to my chin. AAAHHHHH!!!!!


C. Leah said...

I know you are sad about your hair being cut off, but you're does grow back. :)
I think it looks cute though! That was nice of you to donate your hair. You will make some girl/woman very happy. ;)

Can't wait to see you in a couple weeks!

Unknown said...

I really like the new dew...and hopefully you will in time. I know you had a lot of hair but I am sure it was enough for more than one child to use. It may have been enough for three with all the hair you donated.
By the way.....CONGRADS ON THE NEW HOME!!! I know you are happy and I hear it in Kev's voice each time we talk :) I am so happy for you both and Calla of course. She will love it. I can't wait to see you guys and the house. Talk to you soon. Love Pat

Unknown said...

I think your hair looks good! I just got mine done yesterday, but I am used to it being short :-)