Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Slowly getting settled

Today started off as a not so pleasant day. Lets just say I work with a group of pissants. we had 1 coworker call out sick with a stomach bug, and then another called out because she was in the ER after falling down some stairs and landing on her face (the last we heard she was getting facial x-rays and she had lost 3 teeth). So, I arrive at work at 11.....after hitting traffic and worrying that my first patient would beat me to the office (I arrived first), just to hear people griping and moaning. Now, come on...these people are legitimately sick and unable to work, cut them some slack. So, the day is more busy than usual, and patients for some reason didn't know how to show up on time today, no lunch break etc.....I was ready to go home. THe was the best part of my day....i got home and we finally had internet and cable service! YES!!!!! I check my email very regularly, but I was only able to do so at the office (if any of you know what my job is like, there is very little time to sit down, let alone be on the internet), until now. I am so happy to have my inernet back, and Kevin is so happy to have his ESPN back. :-)
As far as the new house. Everything is going well in here. We are slowly getting settled in. We were very fortunate to have the Bradley's come and help with the heavy lifting (thanks, Ronnie, and Ronnie), along with my bro, my best friends dad, and my best friend bro to do the lifting, and then my mom, Pat, Carmen, M, and our 2 nephews here to help in unpacking. We really could not have done it without everyone here, so THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU. Now, come back and help unpack more! Just kidding. The unpacking is a slow process, but it is coming along. I promised them that we would have it done by Thanksgiving. (Keep your fingers crossed). We also contacted the pool company to come out, and close the pool for the season. It is just getting too cold to get in the water. We have the gas heater for it, but I am deathly scared of the gas bill trying to heat a pool of that size. Not worth it in my book. Calla is getting settled in. She seems a little unsure of it still, but she has met some new neighborhood friends and misses her old ones. Hopefully I will have more updates later, with more progress. Oh, and we will be sending out cards with our new address and phone number soon! Ta Ta!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I WOULDN'T HAVE MISSED IT FOR THE WORLD!! You can thank the guys and Carmen, but I didn't do that much. Just keep the kids out of the way and play with them. I had a blast. I too am looking forward to Thanksgiving. Can you believe we haven't spent T'giving away from our home in over 30 yrs. Wow, that will be strange. No big cooking here. It will be a nice change and I can PLAY with all the kids and maybe help if you will let me. I enjoy cooking big dinners but it is yours and Kev's year, so I will do whatever you need me to do, or do nothing at all. :) I am happy you got the connections for internet, tv and phone. I know your schedule and you can't ck it there. I also know many people are out of work because they are hurting, but many of them could curb the grumpy moods some. I go the my dr. and all I hear is "if you only knew how bad I hurt" Well, I do but I choose not to sit and tell the world every minute of the day and remind them how bad I make it for everyone else by complaining all the time. It doesn't help anyone to sit and complain 24/7. I think they would feel better if they told themselves they felt a little better.