Friday, March 28, 2008

Cute things kids say....

Well, I know Kevin and I don't have any kids, but a lot of people around us do. I woke up thinking about different things that they say or do that keep me laughing and can always put a smile on my face. So here are some of the recent ones.....

My co-worker Aaron has a 2 year old boy. They were explaining to him that his aunt has a baby boy in her belly. He looked up at her all concerned and asked, "Did you swallow him?"

My co-worker Ellie has a 2 year old boy who likes to go through her purse. Inside her purse he pulls out a tampon. He unwraps it and takes it out and starts wiggling it around on the ground saying "mouse, mouse" and then crashing it into toy cars.

I went with my best friend and her little girl to an easter egg hunt at a local park. Afterwards we went out to eat, and some people got their left overs to go. Cyndi's dad was having some troulbe opening the bag, and Kendall says to him, "Tagga, its not brain surgery". (She calls him Tagga instead of grandpa)

Now these are the moments when you wish you had a video camera, because I think these have a chance at winning $10,000 on America's Funniest Home Videos.

Monday, March 24, 2008

I love....

I love......
the feeling of cool grass under bare feet
the innocence of children
when you help someone out and they are so grateful
taking vacations
being able to relax with a good book
laughing so hard, my stomach and mouth hurt
the fact that I have my DPT after 7 years of schooling
my job
the feeling after working out

I hate......
getting on the phone and having to press 1 for English
talking to automated systems
oweing people things
dealing with insurance companies
not getting to see my nephews more
not being able to find our perfect house
sending out a mortgage payment of $1500/month
the feeling during a work out

Monday, March 17, 2008

In Honor of St. Patty's Day

Well, in honor of St. Patricks Day and growing up in a very Irish family (last name of Flynn), I decided to blog about Flynn and Bradley history. I know that Flynn is Irish, but Bradley can be either of English or Irish desent. So, I found the Irish coat of arms, and decided to write about that one, since I asked my husband and he said "I think we are originally from Ireland" :-)

For Flynn, the blue in the shield stands for strength and loyalty. The 3 gold circles stands for generosity,worthy of trust and treasure, and the wolf stands for perseverance in siege or effort. The surname O'Flynn is derived from the Gaelic personal name Flann. Ó Floinn is the form of the surname in Irish. It ranks forty-first in the list of most numerous surnames in Ireland with an estimated total of thirteen thousand persons. These are found chiefly in two main areas - Cork and Waterford in the south, and on the borders of Connacht and Ulster in the adjacent counties of Roscommon, Leitrim and Cavan. in 1762 Banard Flinn settled into America, and Andrew Flynn in NY in 1803.
For Bradley, the red stand for military strength or a warrior, and the white stands for sincerity and peace. The squiggle lines stands for land/earth with the line across imitating a military belt representing honor. The birds stand for one who has been disposessed of land or a sign for fourth son. The crosses stand for unshakeable faith. This Gaelic surname means “descendant of Brolachán”. A Bradley sept were originally settled in the barony of Clogher in Co. Tyrone. They then moved north to Derry and Donegal and also to Cork. Ó Brollacháin is said to be one of the few Irish surnames that has been maltreated by the introduction of the English language into Ireland. It was mostly given the English name of Bradley whereas it should instead be given the name O’Brallaghan. The O’Brallaghans in Tyrone and Cork are said to be the real O’Brallaghans. There is also a proportion of Bradleys in Ireland who are descendants of English settlers. The first settler was Partick O'Brallaghan who settled in NY in 1785 and Allen Bradley in Ohio in 1875.
I hope you enjoyed a little Flynn and Bradley history. I hope the Bradleys that I am now a part of came from Oreland and not England, otherwise everything is null and void! HAPPY ST. PATRICKS DAY!!!!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

upcoming events

well, it seems that time flies by and there is never enough time. As my work schedule starts to book up about a month in advance, we have to start scheduling things early. In my occupation there are no such things as sick days or last minute vacations. Coming up we have a busy schedule.....
Next week we have Kevin's little brother coming to visit. I have never seen someone so exicted aobut coming up here. The morning after we booked his bus ticket (we are hoping he makes his connections and doesn't have any problems there), he called us to tell us that he already has his bag packed. He has been dying for about 2 years to be able to come up and visit on his own. He actually is a good kid, who is very appreciative of the things we do for him, so we don't mind doing this for him at all. Plus, he is always good for some humor (although he doesn't realize half of the dumb things he says).
The next weekend is my Mom's 60th birthday. Of which I haven't planned much and haven't gone shopping yet. I did get a great card for her though. So at least some of that is done.
The following weekend we are going to Fernandina Beach, Florida to visit my dad for 4 days. I just love the lifestyle down there. It is no worries, relaxing type. You get up, go out to the pool, eat breakfast, go swimming in the backyard, play some golf, go back to the pool or ocean, eat dinner outside while watching the sunset, and then sit around having a drink or 2 in the hot tub. What a life. In the meantime I will be thinking about all the crazy patients that will be at the office that day! AAAHHHH! :-)
Then, we are traveling to Atlantic City for our friend, Chris' 28th b-day. It is a short 4 hour drive and well worth it since we get to see people that we haven't seen in about a year. Plus, it is always fun to play some craps, roulette and slots. Who knows, maybe it will help us pay that $5,000 I mentioned in the previous post!
Wow, we are already at the end of April at this point in time. Kevin and I are at some point going camping, visiting his family in NC, visiting Will, Genny, Alex (Kevins godson), and baby Riley (not yet born) in SC, and hopefully finding a new house in the meantime.
I have to say, I would rather be busy, then to sit around and not know what to do. It just stinks having to plan everything out so far in advance with my job. Spealing of, I have to go and talk to Kevin about May, so I better stop writing! Ta-ta-for now!

Monday, March 10, 2008


So, for my new years resolution, I didn't want to do the traditional lose weight, cut out soda, or any of that. Why? I shouldn't have to make a resolution for that, it is the way that I should be living. I should be able to lose weight without having to do it for a resolution. So, I decided to get more organized, and to try new things. How are these going you ask....well, lets some it up as fair. As far as getting more organized, I am pretty good there. What the main problem is, is getting rid of unnecessary "stuff", or in another word, "crap". Kevin and I (okay mostly Kevin) were cleaning yesterday, and I realized how many nick-nacks I have. Grant it, about 98% of them have been given to me as gifts, but what they are needed for, I don't know. So, I have a big pile to go to goodwill or to see if Kevin's little sister, Leah, wants any of it. (although my husband doesn't want this because they have too much crap there!) We also went through our files last night. I had old bills that we paid from 2005, stuff from my sequoia, old tuition bills from PT school....all unnecessary CRAP! So, I am feeling a little bit better about the organization part of the resolution. I know that when we do move it will be so much better. Everyone says you learn to get rid of crap then! The problem is, once it is put away in a drawer, I dont' ever see it, then forget about it. I do have a rule for myself, that every new item of clothing I get, I have to get rid of one currently in my closet. It has to be an equal trade, so I can't buy a new sweater and get rid of a pair of socks! This has worked really well for me. I also go through my clothes at the end of each season and ask if I wore it at all, if not, GOODBYE! Why waste the space?!?! I still have some improving to do on the organization aspect. My desk is clutter, but it is organized clutter. I could tell you where everything is in there, but it is very unappealing to the eye. This is my next area to tackle.....the dredded desk!
As far as the trying new things, well, I would give myself a D- here. All growing up I was allergic to many, many, many food items. I never tried new types of food as my parents were afraid I would go into anaphalactic shock (not a pretty sight). Unfortunately, this carried over in my life, and I don't like to try new foods. Whenever Kevin asks me to try something new, I think back to this resolution, and unfortunately, I break it a lot. With food, I am a complete texture person. Like, yesterday, he tried to get me to each oatmeal....I tried, and hated it, not because of the taste, but because of the texture. Kinda like how I HATE pancakes....soggy bread doesn't do it for me (and we all know pancakes aren't pancakes without the syrup). I also have tried foods that just are horrible to my taste buds. I know your taste buds change every 6 months or a year, so you should always try things that you previously didn't like....but I have to admit, I haven't done that. :-( Well, it is only March, I have plenty more time to achieve my resolution!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Donations welcome! ;-)

So, as my first real blog, it only seem natural for me to complain a bit. Today's topic.....taxes. Kevin and I were driving home from my mom's house tonight having a discussion about the awful "t" word. How my Dad thinks this is interesting enough to make a living out of it, I am not quite sure. I do know that it is not for me, and my level of understanding is at a rather low level. Now, I know we are a 2 income, middle class family, but seriously, how the heck do we OWE $5,000 this year?!?!? You would think the 14,000 they took from me alone would be enough, or the 10,000+/- they took from Kevin would be. That is 24,000 we earned, never saw, and may never see again. But that isn't enough, they want to take another 5,000!?! This is a big change from last year in which we got back 2,500. That 2,500 would have been a nice bonus to our house hunting fund, but that check won't be coming anytime soon.

Now, where to come up with these 5,000 smack-a-roo's?!?!? First, we were planning a trip to Paris this year in which we took out of our budget. So, that helps some. Kevin was also generous enough to offer to pimp himself out. In the end we decided not to do that because I am too greedy to share him with anyone else. In the end, we are almost 100% sure we are going to refinance our mortgage for the extra 5,000 and use that money to pay. I hate to think of in the end of 30 years what that extra 5,000 turns out to be. I am not even going to do the math, because I will be one pissed off puppy. I guess I have to look at it in the words of my husband..."it is better to be pissed off, then pissed on".

For a side note, I obviously know the reasons why we owe this year, but it doesn't mean I can't complain about it, right!?! We do have other money options, but we were hoping to save that money for future children's college funds, or retirement. Our "financial advisor" who helps us invest, told us to try to have a savings account with 6 months salary "just in case". Now, we are no where close to 6 months worth (we are at 2.5 months) and I don't want to pull out 5,000 of that, so in the end it seems logical to refinance our place now. (It lowers our mortgage payment by 200/month, which added to our decision)

However, as the name of the post says, we do welcome donations! :-)

Giving in!!!

Well, here goes nothing.....I decided to start a blog. It seems there are so many things that happen in your daily life that you end up telling the story over and over again. For simplicity, I will attempt this blog. Writing it down once, and having those who care to read it seems quite an easy road. So, welcome to those who care to read!