Friday, March 28, 2008

Cute things kids say....

Well, I know Kevin and I don't have any kids, but a lot of people around us do. I woke up thinking about different things that they say or do that keep me laughing and can always put a smile on my face. So here are some of the recent ones.....

My co-worker Aaron has a 2 year old boy. They were explaining to him that his aunt has a baby boy in her belly. He looked up at her all concerned and asked, "Did you swallow him?"

My co-worker Ellie has a 2 year old boy who likes to go through her purse. Inside her purse he pulls out a tampon. He unwraps it and takes it out and starts wiggling it around on the ground saying "mouse, mouse" and then crashing it into toy cars.

I went with my best friend and her little girl to an easter egg hunt at a local park. Afterwards we went out to eat, and some people got their left overs to go. Cyndi's dad was having some troulbe opening the bag, and Kendall says to him, "Tagga, its not brain surgery". (She calls him Tagga instead of grandpa)

Now these are the moments when you wish you had a video camera, because I think these have a chance at winning $10,000 on America's Funniest Home Videos.


C. Leah said...

That's cute!
I love some of the things that Caleb says to of my favorites he says lately is, "I think I feel better Mommy!" ;) Or this one, "Thank you Mommy for my -(fill in blank)-that was so nice of you!"

Unknown said...

Hi, I sure enjoy the things I have in my memory Ronnie, Kevin and all the other kids have said. I enjoy keeping up with all you guys and sure love you all a bunch. Thanks for making my family complete.