Sunday, August 3, 2008

Weekend getaway

As you all know, Kevin and I will be celebrating our 2 year wedding anniversary on Tuesday. In honor of that, we decided to get away together for the weekend. Originally we were going to go to NYC since (gasp) Kevin has never been there before! Unfortunately, it didn't work out for this weekend, but we plan on doing it some other time. Instead, we took a 3 hour drive up to McHenry, Maryland to a resort called Wisp resort. Wisp is known for it's ski slopes during the winter, but during the summer, they do a lot of outdoor adventure activities. It is located on an amazing lake called Deep Creek Lake. (Those from this area will know it). We had a great weekend together and already want to go back during the winter to ski, and to continue what we were doing this summer. So, Friday we got in later because I had to work, so we didn't have much time for activities. That night we went out to eat at a steak restaurant and just toured the area. Saturday we were going to go fly fishing, but it had rained the night before (a lot) and the water levels were too high to fish. So, we went to the local state park (Swallow Falls) and did some hiking and swimming in the water falls. I learned my balance is not as good as it should be (as I was trying to step from rock to rock in the water, I fell between the two). We both love to hike trails and be around water, so it was a perfect day for us. That night we went to a Santa Fe style restaurant with views of the lake and slopes. Today we did our favorite activity of the weekend. We rented a motor boat for 4 hours and rode around the lake. Kevin did the driving (even though I got a temporary license as well) while I enjoyed the sun and read my book, and unfortunately got a little sunburned. It was well worth it. Kevin kept stopping the boat to jump off and swim around the lake. I have pictures that I will post later this week. The lake is huge, so we didn't even cover all areas in the four hours. A lot of people were tubing, skiing, swimming, etc on the lake. It make Kevin and I want to get a lake house for a summer getaway. However, when we go to the beach we say the same thing about that...we want a beach house. I guess we should get a house here first! :-) So, if anyone is looking f or a weekend getaway, Deep Creek Lake is a nice place to go.


Unknown said...

I am so glad you had a great weekend and both you love the same things. I miss doing things with the family like that and hope one day to be able to do them again. I sure loved our place at the beach when Kevin and Ronnie were teens. They loved it more than we did. :) It was great to go and we went even in the winter months just to get away and have quiet. I am sure you loved all the peace being out on the water brings. Go as much as you can...sometimes you just won't be able to for different reasons and will be glad you have taken the time now. Have a great anniversary. Love Pat

C. Leah said...

I'm glad you guys had a nice weekend too! It's hard to believe it's been 2 years since ya'll have been married!!

Happy Anniversary!