Saturday, September 27, 2008

Dining room furniture

So, I found this dining set on clearance at a local furniture store. I thought that I liked it, and that it would be good for us, so I emailed it to my mom. She thought it was very nice. So, I decided to email it to my non-decisive hubby. He glanced at it for a total of, lets say 1 minute, and that may be pushing it. This is after I had been analyzing it for about 30-45 minutes. Now, I didn't expect him to do that, but only 1 minute?!?! As I try to talk to him about what I like, if we should get it and all, I get the usual answers....."its too expensive" and "whatever you think/want". Now most girls would like this second answer. Hmmm, lets looks at diamonds, clothes, shoes. Well, I don't get that answer with those things. So, my Mom, Nana, and I decided to go and check out the set. They both thought it was "wonderful" and "darling", and the lady there was really nice. I decided, yes, with no help from the hubby, that we would do it. I had a 20% off coupon for 1 item, and it was on clearance, so I thought, this is a great deal, and I probably won't find something else at this price. My mom actually was so generous. She decided that this would be our house warming, Christmas, and birthday presents. She originally was going to buy us a living room set, but we are borrowing her set right now in the living room and we don't need more couches right now. The dining set seemed to make more sense. So, THANKS MOM!!! Now, we will have places to sit people when they come for Thanksgiving dinner!!! I decided to add a picture below so you all can see what we got!!! We got everything in the picture except for all our chairs are the same (no arm rests).


Unknown said...

They are BEAUTIFUL!! What can I say, like father...well you know the rest. I think most men glance and say they see it but don't look more than a minute. I have the same thing here and most times he isn't even looking at me when I tell him how great it is, or how good of a deal, or how much I really want it, well you see the similarities. I am thrilled you got it and your mom made it less painful with cost. I look forward to Thanksgiving :0) More than you can know. Love you guys. Pat

Unknown said...

I saw the finished product and it is beautiful. I love the color of the d/room and the furniture too. I hope you are enjoying the end results of all the labors. Love Pat