Saturday, March 8, 2008

Donations welcome! ;-)

So, as my first real blog, it only seem natural for me to complain a bit. Today's topic.....taxes. Kevin and I were driving home from my mom's house tonight having a discussion about the awful "t" word. How my Dad thinks this is interesting enough to make a living out of it, I am not quite sure. I do know that it is not for me, and my level of understanding is at a rather low level. Now, I know we are a 2 income, middle class family, but seriously, how the heck do we OWE $5,000 this year?!?!? You would think the 14,000 they took from me alone would be enough, or the 10,000+/- they took from Kevin would be. That is 24,000 we earned, never saw, and may never see again. But that isn't enough, they want to take another 5,000!?! This is a big change from last year in which we got back 2,500. That 2,500 would have been a nice bonus to our house hunting fund, but that check won't be coming anytime soon.

Now, where to come up with these 5,000 smack-a-roo's?!?!? First, we were planning a trip to Paris this year in which we took out of our budget. So, that helps some. Kevin was also generous enough to offer to pimp himself out. In the end we decided not to do that because I am too greedy to share him with anyone else. In the end, we are almost 100% sure we are going to refinance our mortgage for the extra 5,000 and use that money to pay. I hate to think of in the end of 30 years what that extra 5,000 turns out to be. I am not even going to do the math, because I will be one pissed off puppy. I guess I have to look at it in the words of my husband..."it is better to be pissed off, then pissed on".

For a side note, I obviously know the reasons why we owe this year, but it doesn't mean I can't complain about it, right!?! We do have other money options, but we were hoping to save that money for future children's college funds, or retirement. Our "financial advisor" who helps us invest, told us to try to have a savings account with 6 months salary "just in case". Now, we are no where close to 6 months worth (we are at 2.5 months) and I don't want to pull out 5,000 of that, so in the end it seems logical to refinance our place now. (It lowers our mortgage payment by 200/month, which added to our decision)

However, as the name of the post says, we do welcome donations! :-)

1 comment:

C. Leah said...

I wish we could help you guys out-I'm sorry!
I was laughing about what Kevin said b/c Ronnie says that every once and awhile too. Like brother, like brother! :) Oh, and Ronnie also wanted me to tell you he said, "Kevin should be paying people to be a pimp, not them paying him." hehehe ;) Seriously, I hope everything works out for you!