Monday, March 10, 2008


So, for my new years resolution, I didn't want to do the traditional lose weight, cut out soda, or any of that. Why? I shouldn't have to make a resolution for that, it is the way that I should be living. I should be able to lose weight without having to do it for a resolution. So, I decided to get more organized, and to try new things. How are these going you ask....well, lets some it up as fair. As far as getting more organized, I am pretty good there. What the main problem is, is getting rid of unnecessary "stuff", or in another word, "crap". Kevin and I (okay mostly Kevin) were cleaning yesterday, and I realized how many nick-nacks I have. Grant it, about 98% of them have been given to me as gifts, but what they are needed for, I don't know. So, I have a big pile to go to goodwill or to see if Kevin's little sister, Leah, wants any of it. (although my husband doesn't want this because they have too much crap there!) We also went through our files last night. I had old bills that we paid from 2005, stuff from my sequoia, old tuition bills from PT school....all unnecessary CRAP! So, I am feeling a little bit better about the organization part of the resolution. I know that when we do move it will be so much better. Everyone says you learn to get rid of crap then! The problem is, once it is put away in a drawer, I dont' ever see it, then forget about it. I do have a rule for myself, that every new item of clothing I get, I have to get rid of one currently in my closet. It has to be an equal trade, so I can't buy a new sweater and get rid of a pair of socks! This has worked really well for me. I also go through my clothes at the end of each season and ask if I wore it at all, if not, GOODBYE! Why waste the space?!?! I still have some improving to do on the organization aspect. My desk is clutter, but it is organized clutter. I could tell you where everything is in there, but it is very unappealing to the eye. This is my next area to tackle.....the dredded desk!
As far as the trying new things, well, I would give myself a D- here. All growing up I was allergic to many, many, many food items. I never tried new types of food as my parents were afraid I would go into anaphalactic shock (not a pretty sight). Unfortunately, this carried over in my life, and I don't like to try new foods. Whenever Kevin asks me to try something new, I think back to this resolution, and unfortunately, I break it a lot. With food, I am a complete texture person. Like, yesterday, he tried to get me to each oatmeal....I tried, and hated it, not because of the taste, but because of the texture. Kinda like how I HATE pancakes....soggy bread doesn't do it for me (and we all know pancakes aren't pancakes without the syrup). I also have tried foods that just are horrible to my taste buds. I know your taste buds change every 6 months or a year, so you should always try things that you previously didn't like....but I have to admit, I haven't done that. :-( Well, it is only March, I have plenty more time to achieve my resolution!


C. Leah said...

I'll second the cleaning out crap thing! I just went thru some papers in my filing cabinet the other and got rid of stuff. I then gave it to Big Ronnie to burn. (I'm paranoid about my information being in the trash-if it's not burned, it's shredded). Anyway, I feel your pain on the food thing. I have my "favorites" and if it ain't on that list, I don't eat it. :)

Unknown said...

Hi, I enjoyed reading your blog and catching up on the life of the Bradley's. I too am so busy trying to clean up CRAP! as Kevin and Ronnie Sr. call it I don't know where to start after 34yrs. I thew away so much but it doesn't look like it when I look around. I think with 40+ children and married with all the gift given over the 34yrs I don't have a chance unless I just walk away and start over. :) THAT IS A THOUGHT! But all my pictures letters from family etc. Well I whould have to take that. hehe. Well, good blogging. I will catch you later on the blog end. Pat